My Article's Component

My Article's Abstract

You can certainly ignore motivation if you choose. But if you do, you maybe neglecting the most important part of reading. There are two sides to reading. On one side are the skills which include phonemic awareness, phonics, word recognition, vocabulary, and simple comprehension. On the other side is the will to read. A good reader has both skill and will. In the "will" part, we are talking about motivation to read. This describes children's enjoyments, their wants, and their behaviors surrounding reading. A student with skill may be capable, but without will, she cannot become a reader. It is her will power that determines whether she reads widely and frequently and grows into a student who enjoys and benefits from literacy. So we think you should care about motivation because it is the other half of reading. Sadly, it is the neglected half.

My Article's Keyword

(Motivation, Dedication, Confidence and Interest)

My Article's Introduction

Many teachers think of a motivated reader as a student who is having fun while reading. This may be true, but there are many forms of motivation that might not be related to fun and excitement. What we mean by motivation are the values, beliefs, and behaviors surrounding reading for an individual. Some productive values and beliefs may lead to excitement, yet other values may lead to determined hard work.

My Article's Content

Research says that skill and will (motivation) go together. Usually, students who are gaining in skill are gaining in motivation as well; a student whose motivation increases because she is inspired by a terrific teacher will grow in reading skills. Research also says that these three motivations are independent. A student may be interested and read for enjoyment, but not dedicated and not seeing the importance of hard work in reading. A student may also be interested and want to read but not be confident in her ability. So confidence can be a problem when other motivations are not a problem for a student. Research also says that motivation comes from the teacher in the classroom. Of course, motivation may be stimulated by home and may be influenced by peers, but the teacher is the main actor influencing a student's development of reading motivation.

My Article's Method

 Motivations to read:  
  1. Interest
  2. Confidence
  3. Dedication
  4. Building success
  5. Fostering awareness

My Article's Finding

  1. Collaboration and relationship-building
  2. Teaching practices for middle school classrooms
  3. Building success

My Article's Result

When we think of motivation our mind first turns to interest. Motivation is enjoying a book, being excited about an author, or being delighted by new information. Researchers refer to interest as intrinsic motivation. meaning something we do for its own sake. On a rainy day, we might rather read our favorite mystery than do anything else. We are not trying to get a reward when falling into a novel. Belief in yourself is more closely linked to achievement than any other motivation throughout school. The reason is that confidence, which refers to belief in your capacity, is tied intimately to success. This link occurs for simple, daily reading tasks. A student who reads one page fluently thinks he can read the next page in the same book proficiently. The link is also forged for reading in general. A student who reads fluently and understands well is also sure of himself as a reader. In and out of school, people like the things they do well. Every student has the potential to be dedicated. Skill may be hard for some students to develop, but dedication is related to will. It is up to a student to decide whether to be dedicated or not. Students are either avoidant, dedicated, or somewhere in between the two. These signs are showing their value of reading, being well organized, and making efforts to be successful in reading. Essentially, dedicated students persist, plan, a.nd place apriority on their reading. These are the three key signs of dedication in students. Motivation also brings to mind the reward for success. Who doesn't like to win a trinket for hitting the target with a dart at the State Fair? Who doesn't want to earn serious money for working hard in a career? These are extrinsic rewards because someone gives them to us. We do not give them to ourselves, and these rewards do propel us to put out effort, focus energy, and get up in the morning.



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